home Peter Seelig

Sogni di notte - Watercolor , 24x30cm , 2023 , (WOP20230649)
Sogni di notte
Watercolor , 24x30cm , 2023 , (WOP20230649)
"Dreams at night" by John Reiff Williams

Clearly Peter, this image can be read with either the cool colors laying above or below the warm layers. So, just for starters you have two storylines/narratives running, separated by different color spaces and structural forms. Reading this with the warm colors read as bodies floating in the cool colors (night sky), the composition of warm colors moves from the upper left, where you find a floating/suspended feminine silhouette in conversation with a standing figure (right). Three small fractured shapes between them suggests a communication between these two forms. The two figures are separated by a large (red/orange) form pushing up from center bottom, creating a separating inner dynamic tension and direction. "John, how did you make that interpretation of direction?" The large shape pushing up from the bottom center acts as a lever, torquing the forms in clockwise tension and motion.
As the forms all constellate in position, i wonder what they will say, how they will move in a flux and the influence they will have on each other before the light of dawn.
This is just one read of this situation. Perchance to be in the dream?