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Longest way round is the shortest way home - Ulysses, James Joyce - Acryl , 30x40cm , 2023 , (WOP20230604)
Longest way round is the shortest way home - Ulysses, James Joyce
Acryl , 30x40cm , 2023 , (WOP20230604)
“Perhaps the strongest of your works, ever” by John Reiff Williams
The black figures are distinct and discernibly different and yet the proximity between them binds their relationships, with a witness (beginning the procession on a separate platform (far left)). Beginning the downward sloping transition is the recognition of the large figure's (as big as life) transformations, the breaking down of what one harbors within... one's agency, one's inner dimensions in a different scale as they progress towards a barrier/Cross, planted in a different spacial plane. This barrier acts as a final stop, a place where the collective actions leading up to this place must stop, be assessed and considered. The Large figure seems to be shrouded, helmet, protected and yet looking forward, witnessing one's own collective future self. Moving forward, from L-R, the smaller figures between the large figure and the cross are of a different physical proportion and psychological disposition. These figures seem to have stopped moving and are more solemn, less aggressive and in a state of prayerful meditation exchange in the process of handing over life for an evaluation and admission. Passage.
All the symbols of black and white are alive here. Day and night, Dignity, good and evil, life and death, sorrow, misfortune, sadness and distress........Peace and surrender.
This is everyone's journey.
You have encapsulated and expressed life's journey with all that you are, your openness, your desire for connectedness to share what can only be lived and gone through. With such grace.